
Rule 1 for Leaders: Huddle with Your Coaches Frequently

Engagement Rule 1 for Leaders: Huddle with Your Coaches Frequently

These are the people that are going to help transition the employees. They are valuable resources to help give you a baseline of the operation. They can provide insight into the pros and cons of the employees and office. If you neglect your front line leaders, you are losing valuable intelligence that could take months to gather. If feasible, take your coaches to a lunch or dinner, and if possible include their spouses. The more relaxed the environment, the more your coaches will open up and express their personalities. This will let everyone be able to see you in a different light and provide an opportunity for them to see you as a person that cares.

Engagement Rule 2 for Leaders : Avoid the Change Plague.

Click here for the complete list of 21 Engagement Rules for Leaders.

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